суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


Iku sunnahe rosul kang mulyo. Ojo mung ngaji syareat bloko. Kerono mapan seri ngelmune. Ugo haqiqot manjing rasane. Ananging mulyo maqom drajate. syiir tanpo waton gus nizam

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Dununge roso tondo yen iman. Foley described in his poem. Ayo sedulur jo nglaleake. Kang aran sholeh bagus atine. Senadjan asor toto dzohire. Uripe ayem rumongso aman. Ugo syiit manjing rasane. I begin this reciting. Mulo atine peteng lan nisto. Muhammad Yusuf November 24, at 1: Now, allow me to fulfil that promise to you.

I'm seeking for Allah's forgiveness, and Allah knows what is right. Sabar narimo nadjan pas-pasan.

Den gadang Alloh swargo manggone. Kindly suggest an improvement for this blog:. Gur pinter ndongeng nulis lan moco. Utuh mayite ugo ulese.

syiir tanpo waton gus nizam

Kelawan muji maring pengeran. Ing pepaese gebyare dunyo.

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Dzikir lan suluk jo nganti lali. Kumantil ati lan pikiran. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.

syiir tanpo waton gus nizam

Al Quran Qodim wahyu minulyo. Remembering the spirit of Gus Dur, let us embrace the words of Rumi: Kafire dewe dak digatekke. Duh bolo konco priyo wanito. Syiir Tanpo Waton is actually composed and recited by Nizak Nizam I hope you can see why so many people, especially here in Indonesia, like the syi'ir that reflects Gus Dur humanist teachings.

Kang podo rukun ojo dursilo.

unilliterate: Gus Dur and Syi'ir Tanpo Waton Part III

Ananging mulyo maqom drajate. Ora kesasar roh lan sukmane.

Gampang kabujuk nafsu angkoro. Mrasuk ing badan kabeh jeroan. Ojo mung ngaji syareat bloko. I'm terribly sorry for my negligence

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