четверг, 13 февраля 2020 г.


You are now following this question You will see updates in your activity feed. There might be a way to redirect output from stdout in a mex file see this question , but I haven't been able to get it to work on Windows yet. Functions name are prefixed according to each version. Since CUDA language is mainly C language with a small extension, it can be translated into plain C language using preprocessor macro. There is a third solution: cuda cuprintf

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Debugging possibilities for CUDA code. Using this process, developer is able to immediately make apart general bugs from GPU-specific bugs.

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Variadic functions are not allowed on GPU. Several back-end were created, but the ones linked to CUDA are the most active. Select the China site in Chinese or English for best site performance. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find cuuda share information.

Here's a small example:. Since GPU software are uploaded to an external device, one has a very little feedback when something went wrong. An important thing to note is that every CUDA thread will call printf.

Reference version for CPU aka. Since CUDA language is mainly C language with a small extension, it can be translated into plain C language using preprocessor macro.

cuda cuprintf

Post as a guest Name. Functions name are prefixed according to each version. Tags mex printf cuda.

cuda cuprintf

Ocelot is the result of a research project xuda dynamic compilation framework for heterogeneous systems quoted from Ocelot project website [OCELOT]. Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. When anything wrong happened, nothing is displayed at all. Sign up using Facebook.

Debugging strategy

You are now following this question You will see updates in your activity feed. Hello from block 1, thread 0 Hello from block 1, thread 1 Hello from block 1, thread 2 Hello from cuprinff 1, thread 3 Hello from block 1, thread 4 Hello from block 1, thread Sign up using Email and Password.

This library suffers from many limitations: You'll need to specify to nvcc that you're compiling with support for compute capability 2. Finally I forgot to change printf to cuPrintf. Please also note that I don't have any add-on toolboxes. Cuprihtf simple way to get more feedback from a software is to make it more verbose. First I tried to use printfbut then found out that compute capability is lower than 2. This option is deprecated in 3. Reload the page to see its updated state.

cuda cuPrintf用法示例

I missed the compute capability. Here's a small example: The following figure sums up different debugging solutions. There might be a way to redirect output from stdout in a mex file see this questionbut I haven't been able to get it to work on Windows yet.

In your kernel instead of this: Sign in to comment.

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